There is a known issue in Streaming API where the viewer link does not stream the live stream even though the stream is being continuously published. Streaming API calls also return a 401 response code in this situation. The situation happens when countries are specified in the 'Allowed Countries' section either under global or token-level settings. The following is a sample configuration at the Global level.
Under normal circumstances, the viewers accessing from the Allowed country list should be able to see the stream, however, this is not the case due to a bug on our server. We are currently working on a fix to solve this problem.
Affected Product:
Dolby Product(s)
- Streaming API (Millicast)
To avoid this situation, the configuration for 'Allowed country' should be removed both at the global and individual token level. Following steps needs to be carried out to clear the configuration.
- Global Level: Go to Streaming Dashboard -> Settings -> Token Default - remove any country specified in 'Allow countries'
- Global Level: Go to Streaming Dashboard -> Live Broadcast -> Named Token -> Token Details - remove any country specified in 'Allow countries'
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